Monday 14 November 2011

Why E-cigarette is safe?

The major benefit of this cigarette is its non-polluting nature and no health problems. The smoke like vapor disappears in the air immediately after it is emitted, so it does not release any harmful substances that affect people around the smoker. Emitting smoke is the major reason to ban the traditional cigarette in public places like restaurants and parks. With this new product you can re-enter the non-smoking public and enjoy their company without breaking any law. Smokers found this feature very impressive and helped them to be social.

Electronic cigarettes contain fever harmful chemical elements that are largely found in traditional cigarettes. The isolated nicotine does not cause general health risks which are easily found among other tobacco cigarette smokers. The device has become popular in pubs and clubs with smoking ban. It is also known as quit smoking treatment which allows the smoker to quit smoking in steps.

Researchers and doctors have agreed that e-cigarette smoker is at lower risk compared other smokers. People who are trying to quit smoking stress on using it to make smoke free life and live without risk.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Why do I need Anti-Radiation Sticker?

Anti Radiation Sticker is very useful in our day to day life. These stickers are the best option to keep away EMF effects from your body. It is simple to use and maintain while using mobile phones. It provides 99.9% protection from the radio waves emitted from mobile phones.
The electromagnetic clutter is absorbed by the sticker and its interference is reduced significantly. The call quality is enhanced which gives a mental satisfaction for you. The sticker diverts the harmful energies from affecting your head and neutralizes your body from being affected by them. What else any frequent mobile phone user needs than complete protection from EMF.

You can also keep yourself safe from these problems by following some rules like limiting use of mobile phone, wearing air tube headsets, avoid calling while signal bar is low, and try to purchase a low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) mobile phone.

Hence, buy an anti radiation sticker and live a problem free life with the healthy use of mobile phones.